Investing In Our Community's Youth

In 1999, Nicor came to the Village of Lakemoor offering a scholarship opportunity. Our founder Ralph Brindise saw this as an opportunity to help out his community. Lakemoor Dollars for Scholars was created.  

​Several years later, in 2013, we decided to become a private scholarship fund. Our name became Lakemoor Scholarship Fund, Inc. Our purpose has always remained the same: to give scholarships to high school graduates from the Lakemoor community who choose to go on to higher education.

We exist with the help of family and friends, volunteers and sponsors from the community. Our organization has two major fundraisers a year; one in August selling glow necklaces and novelties at LakemoorFest and a Classic Car Show in September, on the Sunday after Labor Day. All our profits go into the scholarship fund; every person helping out at either of our events is a volunteer.

Our organization is always looking for new faces to help volunteer, or to join our board. Please contact us for more information.

About Lakemoor Scholarship Fund